
Smithdown Social Arts Hub Exhibition

The Athenaeum Liverpool Church Alley, Liverpool

We are delighted to announce the Institution will be collaborating with Smithdown Social Arts Hub in hosting a unique exhibition here at the Club between 12th September and 30th November. Featuring approximately 60 pieces from local artists, the exhibition will be launched at a Private Viewing for Proprietors on 12th September, ahead of a public ... Read more

The Charleston Chat

The Athenaeum Liverpool Church Alley, Liverpool

CHARLESTON CHAT...Come and join us as the Thanksgiving weekend continues. Proprietors Linda Iley, Ann Hughes, Fay Carter and Cynthia King will give an informal, illustrated feedback on their adventure during an affiliation visit to the Charleston Library Society in South Carolina, USA. Classic American Cocktails will be available to purchase in the Newsroom from 12:00pm ... Read more