Many Proprietors may well be familiar with the books, and the films based on them, written by Nevil Shute. Parallel Motion: A Biography of Nevil Shute Norway by John Anderson is a new book into the Athenaeum library. The volume was published by The Paper Tiger Inc. in 2011. It covers Shute’s remarkable career as both an engineer and author. The volume deals with his childhood and education, his early work for de Havilland, and contribution to the R.100 airship. Then Shute began writing novels and continued the activity during wartime whilst working for the Department of Miscellaneous Weapons Development, and the Ministry of Information. Not until the late 1940s did he go to Australia where he and his family eventually settled. After quite a prolific output of books, Nevil Shute died in 1960. A volume well worth a look to find out more about a well-known name.
Janet Hollinshead