In conjunction with the School’s Parliament the Athenaeum is hosting a series of non-competitive debates for older students across Merseyside. The second of these debates took place today and once again was a great success.

The topics and results of these debates are as followed:
As a result of the present economic climate the UK should stop all financial aid to Sub-Saharan Africa despite its historic links with the city of Liverpool.
Proposed by Archbishop Beck Catholic Sports College
Opposed by Merchant Taylor’s Girls’ School
Motion rejected by 26 votes to 8
As unemployment amongst 18-25 year olds in the UN continues to rise, schools should prepare their students for the world of work by providing compulsory paid work experience one day a week
Proposed by Birkenhead School
Opposed by Liverpool College sixth Form
Motion carried by 18 votes to 17
To ensure a greener future within the Liverpool City Region the use of public transport and cycling should be encouraged.
Proposed by Liverpool College KS4
Opposed by Belvedere Academy
Motion carried by 27 votes to 14
The third of the Athenaeum Debates will take place on Tuesday 4th February 2014. Details to follow.