Last Wednesday began the first of a series of Cookery demonstrations from our own Chef Russell Hough. The evening was a great success with Proprietors learning some of Russell’s secrets in preparing several different starters including the dry curing of salmon and the making of fresh pasta just to name a few.
The next demonstration is on 11th September when Russell will be looking at meat based starters. On the 2nd and 16th of October our focus switches to main courses, finishing with desserts on 6th and 13th November. You can attend any number from one that particularly interests you to attending all for a comprehensive look at the Chef’s art. This is a real opportunity to learn new skills, brush up on your existing skills or just learn what goes on in our kitchens but numbers are limited.
Each demonstration starts at 6.30 is followed by supper at 7.45. The cost is £22.50 per session but the supper is open to those not attending the demonstrations at a cost of £17.50.