Note from the President
Can I first of all say a huge good day to everyone and I hope that you are all well and managing to avoid infection.
It is just a week since we initially made the decision to temporarily close the Athenaeum and cancel forthcoming events, but what a week! We are now all very familiar with the terms ‘to socially distance oneself’ and ‘self-isolation’ and now we have been directed to restrict all movement outside, but I suspect it is only just beginning to sink in how great an impact these actions will have.
Our Club Secretary, Jack, has risen to the challenge superbly and I feel we are already waiting in anticipation for the next installment of the Corona Chronicles. In these difficult times, it is reassuring to know that life can go on as usual. It is also cheering to hear good news – the successful completion of his course by Jack and the appointment of His Honour John Roberts as High Sheriff of Merseyside. Well done to both, it is only sad that we can’t celebrate with them in an appropriate manner – so I charge you all to raise a glass wherever you are.
Despite the doors of the Athenaeum being closed, there is a lot of work going on behind the scenes and when the time comes to open again we will be ready. The welcome news from the Government of support for small businesses means that we can provide support for our staff and keep ticking over until business resumes.
As Jack said in Chronicles No 2, please do keep in contact. We would like to be able to entertain you with items of interest, so if you have anything you think other proprietors would find interesting, please put pen to paper and send an article to Jack for publication. I also thought that a number of you might like to keep mentally active in other ways so we are introducing the Corona Writing Competition – anything the youngsters can do in the Frank Moran Young Writers Award, we can do as well. This is open to all proprietors and you are invited to submit 1000 – 1200 words of original prose which can be in the form of a short story, a travel essay or something of personal interest. It can be serious or amusing. Entries can be submitted to .
The closing date for entries is Monday 4th May. After judging selected entries will be posted for your enjoyment. I do hope that you will find this an amusing way to pass the time.
With respect to activities during our enforced movement restrictions I was reminded of a game that I played at my youngest daughter’s hen party. This involved making a wedding dress out of toilet paper – now we know why there are no toilet rolls left in the shops! Is this the latest hobby to pass the time? There is actually an annual competition where dresses are made using only toilet tissue, tape, glue and thread – guess which dresses were in the final! My effort at the hen party looked more like those on the left, but we were very proud of our efforts and the bride looked beautiful on the day.
I would love to know how you are keeping yourselves active and entertained so do keep in touch and let us know if there is anything we can do to help anyone. I am now off to do my bit in a pharmacy – on a practical note, if you need a prescription renewing do not hesitate to contact your local pharmacy, they will arrange for the repeat to be sent to them and will then deliver the medicines to your door.
Just give them a few days as it might take a little longer than usual.
I have to go now so keep well and stay in touch.
All the very best to you and your families and friends