¡Hola! all and happy St George’s Day!
Had things not turned sour in the world our President and members would have been enjoying a celebratory dinner to mark the occasion, and I know there were some surprises up the organiser’s sleeves, so perhaps something similar will go ahead next year.
Since the last volume you will have seen that lock down measures have been extended for a further three weeks to Friday 8 May. As reported here the Club will of course remain closed as per government instructions and assess the situation following each government review. Whilst our Club House is closed, work continues to ensure stability and a positive future for The Athenaeum. In the last Chronicle I appealed for Proprietors to dust off their crystal balls and share their visions on the Club in five years. I have received a few such visions which I look forward to publishing but I’d love to receive more. If you have a spare five minutes over the next week have a think where you might like to see your club in five years, write a paragraph or two and send it in. Thank you in anticipation.
Earlier in the week, you may have read I was cruelly labeled a ‘spammer’ by the internet gods when the circulation of the Daily Quiz via email came to an end. In hindsight sending over 800 emails a day (the questions + the answers) perhaps is fairgrounds to be labeled such. Whilst grossly offended I dusted myself off and quiz master, Paul McCarthy, and I have put in place what we hope will be a suitable medium for our members to continue getting their fix of Mr McCarthy’s excellent daily brain teasers. Each day by 11:00am the quiz will be posted here at www.theathenaeum.org.uk/quiz with the answers following by 6:00pm. The quiz has been an excellent initiative and has brought a lot of joy to many members, our thanks go out to Mr McCarthy for his continued efforts and encyclopedic knowledge!
Monday saw the first ‘Member Monday’, which received great feedback despite the subject! These regular articles as part of the improved communications which will continue going forward. I have profiles for the next few weeks but I’m looking for more. If you would be happy to be profiled as part of a future Member Monday please drop me a line. If you did not see Monday’s you can do so here https://theathenaeum.org.uk/member-monday-001/.
That’s it for this Volume, I must turn my attentions elsewhere unfortunately as I’ve just been informed my house has been invaded by ants… Brilliant.
All the best,
Ants worst nightmare Club Secretary