The Photography Interest Group – Next Meeting

Dear Member,

During the last couple of months a small group of Proprietors have set up a Photography Interest Group at the Athenaeum. The aim of the group is to celebrate the art of photography through talks from people involved in Photography, exhibitions of the Group’s and other work including, with the help of the Librarian, some of the many photographic works in our Library. The focus of the group will have an emphasis on the the art of photography and a little less on the technological skills of operating a camera.

To give us the means to exhibit some photographs we have added a Photo Gallery to the Athenaeum Website which will allow us to provide a rolling exhibition of images with a fresh theme each month. Our first exhibition is some photographs of our own so please visit the website, go to the Athenaeum menu item then select Photo Gallery.

Any comments will be welcome.

We meet on the first Thursday of the month at 4pm in the Library. Each meeting is about an hour and all members and guests are welcome.

At our next meeting on 5th August the Artistic Director of the Openeye Gallery will be joining us and giving talk about the work of that gallery. The Openeye which is based at Mann Island is one of the UK’s leading photographing galleries and has an excellent reputation in that field. Founded in Liverpool in the 1970’s the gallery has grown to become a leading participant in the cultural offer that the City provides to visitors. I’m sure many Proprietors will find their story fascinating and all will be welcome.

David Roscoe