Upon the Athenaeum’s reopening on Wednesday December 2nd we will be expanding our opening hours during the week and into the weekend with Saturday openings in the run up to Christmas!
Club Opening Hours
Monday thru Friday 08:00 am – 11:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am – 11:00 pm
Hours of Service Monday-Friday Saturday
Newsroom 10:00 am – 11:00 pm 10:00am – 10:00pm
Dining Room 12:30 pm – 02:00 pm
**06:30pm – 08:30 pm**
**The Dining Room is open for Dinner on Friday evenings**
We anticipate and hope that members will take the opportunity to make use of their club during these trying times and look forward to welcoming you back.
Service will minimally be consistent with what you have come to expect;
Newsroom Sandwiches will be available all day during the week.
On Saturday’s a menu will be available between 12pm-7pm
Dining Room Weekly Menus as designed by our Executive Chef
We urge those of you would like to dine with us to make your bookings at your earliest convenience as social distancing restrictions remain in place.
A further announcement will be made before we re-open with details of our extended Newsroom Service to allow a substantial meal to be consumed there at the convenience of members.
Please contact me with any queries or concerns you might have.
Jack Birley, Club Secretary