The Athenaeum Library does not specialise in family history and does not have very much material but a new acquisition will provide a good hunting ground for those interested in Liverpool families. Some years ago the secretary of the Lancashire Parish Register Society made a hobby of researching the pedigree of many of the prominent Liverpool families. We have just been given a large manuscript book in which he recorded his discoveries. In the index will be found most of the famous Liverpool names of the Georgian and Victorian city (sometimes there is earlier information), Richmond, Gladstone, Booth, Roscoe, Heywood and many others, flit through the pages of neat handwriting.
The other great source of information on the people of Liverpool, held in the Library is the handwritten copy of the Census of 1801, individuals, occupations and details of their houses are incorporated into this comprehensive nominal roll of Liverpudlians
Anybody wishing to consult these or any other material held in the Library should join the Friends of the Athenaeum Library. Membership is free but a small daily charge is made to visitors. For further details contact or phone 0151 709 7770