Dear Athenaeum Opera Lovers,
We are still on track for the Sir David Maddison Opera Prize to be staged on the evening of Friday June 18th, though we do have two changes to those appearing on the night- Sadly our fellow Proprietor and Chairman of the judging panel for the Opera Prize Lee Ward, has had to drop out of the proceedings in order to undergo a heart valve replacement operation. I know you will join with me in wishing Lee all the best for the operation, and a speedy return to full health. As a replacement for Lee on the judging panel, I have been very fortunate in securing the services of the brilliant and versatile young Singaporean Conductor Melvin Tay Melvin is very kindly taking time out from a very busy schedule in order to join us on the night of the Opera Prize contest.
The other change to those billed to appear is that Gabriel Seawright (Tenor) has withdrawn from the contest in order to preserve his voice for his final exams. Gabriel’s place is taken by the outstanding Baritone Ross Cumming, whose biography you will now find by accessing the Events page of the Club website Members area.
Lastly, Athenaeum favourite Mezzo Soprano Molly Barker has confirmed that she should be available to sing in a guest appearance during the October 15th Opera at the Athenaeum Concert. Molly won the 2019 Sir David Maddison Opera Prize, and went on to star in a Royal Command performance at St James Palace, and latterly has been signed by Opera North. All the best, David Cox.